1. Markus

    So when someone claims to be a “psychic” is it the type of psychic that only sees the future? Cause alot of places with “psychic” usually use tarot cards, Crystal’s or thier own “gift” like in this link http://www.bibletruths.net/Sermons/BTSO151.htm, and no I’m not afraid anymore just want to study more about this topic and see what is and what is NOT connected to Deuteronomy 18 in terms of certain mental powers like astral projection, that’s actually not a mind power that when the soul leaves the body and that’s unbiblical… I just want to explore more

    • O.K., I’m going to try this one more time. What Deuteronomy 18 is condemning are Ancient Middle Eastern Religious Practices which call upon spirits to act on behalf of the caller.

      Modern psychics are condemned because they claim to be able to do things comparable to those practices. Many of them make claims that their gifts are spiritual, hence magical; frequently they speak of having a “spirit guide” who assists them. Whether this spirit guide is thought to be a deceased person or some kind of angelic or demonic or similar being, that would make it a false religious practice. Tarot readings are generally opened by invoking the involvement of a spirit to control the cards. We talked about the control of cards in Faith and Gaming: Mechanics in an early article, but not about spirits doing so. The involvement of spirits makes it something opposed to God.

      On the other hand, someone who claims that his abilities are entirely mental, what we call psionics or mind powers, is not talking about magic or religious practice, and in that sense Deuteronomy 18 does not apply. The strongest argument that can be raised against them is really that we don’t believe their claim, that such mental powers do not exist as natural abilities but only as spiritual involvement, and therefore although they say they are not involved in religious practices, we believe that they are. That’s a bit judgmental, but it’s probably not avoidable.

      Once again I hope this helps.

      –M. J. Young

  2. Markus

    This does help and May the 4th be with you! (From Idaho at least) and out of curiosity how do you know Deuteronomy 18 so much?

    • I have two degrees in biblical studies and one in law, and have been studying the Bible for close to sixty years now. Because of my position as Chaplain of the Christian Gamers Guild, the issues about magic have arisen frequently, so I needed to have a solid understanding of the major texts that are cited in that connection.

  3. Markus

    So when Deuteronomy18 condemns anything that Grant’s powers from spirits then wouldnt the Russian dude who coined the term telekenisis because of his research from mediumship, seances and channeling https://www.motionpictures.org/2013/10/the-carrie-phenomenon-a-brief-history-of-telekinesis/ but there are VARIATIONS of this power spiritual like Ermac or Kenshi from Mortal Komabt or Jedi/Sith from Star Wars, Jean and among others are genetic mutations/born, Eleven is natural from Stranger Things, and so on and so forth… I think others see it as occult or demonic either by ignorance or they just are a bit judgemental when it comes to fiction and I know for sure clairvoyance is condemned as its linked to soothsaying and no I’m not worried I just like to explore more and see what can be linked up to Gods Words and what is not

    • Let me remind you: neither the “Russian dude” nor anyone else has ever demonstrated telekinesis or another other supposed psychic power. That means he gave a name to something that doesn’t exist, and attempted to explain how something works that never did. So maybe he is right and there are spirit powers that can do things like that, but probably he is wrong, and it doesn’t matter what he called it or how he claimed it worked because it doesn’t really exist.

    • Markus

      I do appreciate that there are VARIATIONS in media about the mental power, some are purely mental, other spiritual, other technological etc

  4. Markus

    Oh ok and that’s basically it for my case, it’s a blank canvas in the world of fiction cause it’s fake and it dont matter in the real world cause it really dosent have a real world counterpart

  5. Markus

    I’m just glad that other people did not make mental powers STRICTLY spiritual and could be technological, purely mental, genetic, etc… the ones I’d stay away is Kenshi and Ermac from Mortal Kombat cause their powers are spiritual cause the are powered by spirits among others

  6. Markus

    I know we solved it but I’m curious at your commentary from this article of Compelling Truth :

    ”According to the Institute of Noetic Sciences noetic science studies “how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world.” The noetic scientists believe that while traditional science focuses on external observation and is grounded in objective evaluation, measurement, and experimentation, there is another way of obtaining knowledge — the subjective or internal, including gut feelings, intuition, and hunches. This includes experiences that cannot be explained or proven “rationally” but are felt to be absolutely real. Noetic science attempts to apply a scientific lens to the study of subjective experience and to ways that consciousness may influence the physical world.

    Noetic (from the Greek word meaning “mental”) science has been equated with parapsychology, metaphysical philosophy, and New Age thought. It is an attempt to establish a connection between the human mind and the physical universe. It attempts to discover the power and source of human intelligence, including how thoughts cause physical effects.

    Noetic science delves into the areas of telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, and self-healing. In spite of the exhaustive studies into these areas, where they have been found to be unscientific at best and outright fiction at worst, people continue to seek knowledge through them. This is little more than the ancient practice of Gnosticism, which is seeking a higher knowledge, not from the Bible, but acquired on some mystical higher plane of existence.

    Mankind has always attempted to gain knowledge outside that which God has provided through His Word. The Apostle Paul warned that the preaching of the Word would not be sufficient for those who seek to gain knowledge through superstition. “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3–4). Teachers of extra-biblical revelations will always be with us. Noetic “scientists” prove that to be true.

    The Christian worldview is one based on the truths of the Word of God, “the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15). In His Word, God has given us all we need so that we “may be complete, equipped for every good work ” (2 Timothy 3:17). As such, there is no need for Christians to involve themselves, or give credibility to, any metaphysical pseudoscience, including noetics.”

    What specifically is Gnosticism? And no I am NOT worried about it anymore but this is out of curiosity and studying purposes cause I already know what New Age and parapsychology is

  7. Markus

    And another thing: can Gods gift be genetic? I’m also making these powers genetic along with divine intervention cause there are actually beneficial mutations but they are temporary as most mutations are neutral or negative, others corrupt this idea as evidence for Evolution (which actually has a pagan root than a scientific one) and sadly the writer in Marvel make the X-Men x gene something as a evidence piece for Evolution (but once again they mix EVERYSINGLE BELIEF in thier company so ita very mixed)

  8. Markus

    And what can REALLY be labeled occult or not? Cause others say mental powers are of the occult but I’m curious on what actually IS occult

  9. Markus

    Can Gods gift be genetic? I’m also making these powers genetic along with divine intervention cause there are actually beneficial mutations but they are temporary as most mutations are neutral or negative, others corrupt this idea as evidence for Evolution (which actually has a pagan root than a scientific one) and sadly the writers in Marvel make the X-Men x gene something as a evidence piece for Evolution (but once again they mix EVERYSINGLE BELIEF in thier company so it’s very mixed)

  10. Markus

    http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_Psychics.html I know we’ve been down this road before but I’d like to see what your commentary is on this article cause that I think about it sure mental powers are mostly fake but if Eastern religion or “occult” sects try to “develop” or “use whatever within yourself” they take it too far. And no I’m not worried about it anymore I’d just like to see what’s your answer

    • Markus

      I don’t worry about that link anymore, sure MOST of the stuff condemns IS in Deuteronomy but not telepathy (cause like what we’ve discussed it’s more fake of recent imagination) so I ain’t worried about it no more, it focuses on the BAD

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