1. Chad

    // “politically correct” means. In the short form it means never saying anything that might offend any member of any minority group,//

    PC is what a person complains about when they are told it’s not nice to use slurs. They can continue to use slurs, but they can’t expect others to take them seriously.

    The hidden assumption, especially in context of complaining about ‘freedoms’, is that people are somehow preventing your freedom by not liking you when you use slurs.

    • M. J. Young, Chaplain

      Hi, Chad. I have written about this from various perspectives quite a bit, but let me just point you to my web log post http://www.mjyoung.net/weblog/406-internet-racism/ #406: Internet Racism.

      I’m going to note, incidentally, that that you appear to have posted possibly a dozen comments on articles on our site, and although I haven’t seen them all, they appear all to be consistently highly critical. All those posts had to be approved to appear on the site, and all of them were–we made no effort to censor your opinion here. In fact, thank you for your input and participation. We who manage the site, at least, believe in freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas.

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