1. Chad

    //The truly devout character would not say that; he would say, we are on God’s side–a very important distinc//

    No distinction at all; you’re just pretending to ‘know’ the mind and intent of a god you can’t demonstrate. You might as well be pretending to be a god.

    You’re not fixing the issue but rephrasing how you qualify something.

    “I believe X” is the same thing as “God wants me to believe X” or “We are on Gods side and Gods side is X”.

    These are all, on a practical level, the same. They work the same way, the actual ideology is all derived via subjective relativistic social/cultural drift, and the language of how it’s qualified is merely a superficial use of rhetoric. It’s actually quite disingenuous.

    The hilarious part is that every Christian you disagree with does the same thing.

    So does every theist of every other theology outside of Christianity.

    Most theists are isolated islands of perfect ‘divine knowledge’ that just so happens to align to a very narrow window defined by their geographical location, their ethnicity, political affiliation, national affiliation, education level, etc. They reject the theology of everyone around them, on their own islands unto themselves, while all using the same litany of fallacious arguments.

    • M. J. Young, Chaplain

      If you don’t understand the distinction between “God is on my side” and “I am on God’s side” you are considerably less intelligent than I had thought. Let me try “I fully support the local police” versus “The local police fully support me.”

      Certainly to you the distinction is meaningless: since you avowedly believe there is no God, it is not possible for that God to have an opinion. In that case, any claimed opinion of God would be our projection of what we want to believe God is saying. If, arguendo, God is real, then it might be possible for Him to have opinions and positions, and for us be influenced by them. Admittedly, we might misunderstand, get them wrong–but that doesn’t negate the possibility that He has them and has expressed them.

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