1. Chad

    //m.org, we find a very startling bit of information. In this survey they found that 65% of Christians surveyed believe that salvation can be found in other religions other than Christianity. //

    Meaningless. Most Christians don’t believe in your version of Christianity. There are 45k+ denominations of Christianity spread among approximately a dozen or so Christian theological branches. Most of them think the rest are not ‘true’ Christians and vice versa; only a small fraction have anything that approaches universalism.

    Soteriology, eschatology, theology.. all changes from one version of Christianity to the next and only a few ‘core’ elements are preserved between them. Which, your version of soteriology is not one of those elements.

    I know it’s hard to accept: but your belief system is a momentary blip derived from relativistic cultural forces. You are not god, yet you’re pretending to know the mind/intent of a god you can neither demonstrate nor actively argue HOW you know what you claim.

    The level of arrogant disconnect and total lack of humility is.. breathtaking. None of this is rocket science, yet it eludes you.

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