1. EricV

    In systems which rely heavily on dice rolls for this type of interaction successful bluff/diplomacy/whatever in your system roll could suffice to determine the antagonists fall for it or not.

    Personally, I like deciding myself as a GM. Maybe influenced by a die roll to determine how deeply the antagonist is ensnared, or how vigorously he pursues. But GMs shouldn’t let bad, or good, dice rolls get in the way of good play by the PCs, nor waste a chance for a good story.

    • Indeed, there are two sides to that.

      On the one hand, if the dice are going to make the decision, what’s the point of having the player struggle through it?

      On the other hand, if the character’s stats make him particularly persuasive or charismatic, why should his effort stand or fall on the possibly less impressive skills of the player?

      I’ll usually go with the dice, modified by the player’s performance, depending on whether the character stats strike me as considerably higher (or lower) than those of the player.

      • I often like to have the player roll as soon as it looks like they intend to make a social check, then do the roleplaying afterward. That way everyone knows whether the bluff was successful or not, and they can modify their roleplay appropriately. It’s much the same as a combat roll: declare intent, make the roll, then narrate the outcome.

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