1. This is a link to my main ministry hub, with ARCHIVES of prior broadcasts and magazines.


    “The combination of religion, politics, and comic books. A unique, entertaining, thought provoking, indepth, sincere, broadcast. He has the intensity of a morning radio dj of years gone by along then shifts into the calm, cool, and collected when teaching the Bible. Definitely a unique presentation. Would have been a hit in radio fifty years ago.”

    • I’m sorry, Arthur, but I’m not comfortable adding your link to the catalog. Although I think the groups currently represented do tend to skew leftward, and I’d generally welcome more politically conservative viewpoints, calling anyone ‘vermin,’ regardless of how strongly you disagree with their policy, is not something I feel glorifies God. The Christian Gamers Guild has spent 20+ years attempting to mend the damage done by overly zealous Christians labeling gamers as ‘Satanic,’ and I’m not about to walk any of that back.

      I do like the concept of Christian commentary on current events through the lens of pop culture, but I lamentably see little evidence of the love of Christ in your work.

      (Edited 8/28 to be a bit less harsh. My apologies.)

  2. Just have to say thank you again for this amazing resource. Adding it to my blog, tweeting it, and going to be pouring over this library 🙂 Great stuff, God bless and thanks for doing it.

    Oh, and check out Higher Score Gaming! They are also a gaming group similar to many of these.

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